What is it like to have very low IQ? What are signs of low intelligence? How low can a persons IQ be?

Well I actually have an Command of around 86 which is actually enough POOR ( I was forced to substitute the factual word because it does not feel politically correct) 

Anyway, I've a literacy disability when it comes to calculation especially. 

I suffered a lot of abuse and demarcation from preceptors who knew I had a disability but did not offer me any help. They separated me from the other kiddies( they took me out of calculation class and made me sit in the janitor's closet to do my work( because they assumed I was lazy) 

This was around 1989- 1990. I find it hard to believe there were not programs to help kiddies like me back also. 

I also did not get any help in high academy( calculation training), nothing, so that was bad timing too. still, I didn't have any problems with the other subjects at academy. 


I graduated in 2005, with honors, with a Bachelorette of Journalism 

moment I've trouble counting plutocrat snappily or giving change snappily, effects employers have worked with me on. 

So Away from the bullying at academy, life as a closer- retard is enough ordinary. 

And completing my scale with a3.8 GPA with a literacy disability is one of the proudest effects in my life. 

First, a person with a low Command wouldn't inescapably be interested in their Command score. still they, unless too oppressively impaired, are likely to know that they can not do some effects others can. 


still, they may be embarrassed by their miscalculations, If smart enough. I do not have a low Command but have some autistic traits and I find it disturbing to suppose back on some effects I have said or done. 

Another thing is some low Command people warrant impulse control. This can lead to meltdowns and occasionally indeed to violence. Since this is true loss of control it can intensively unwelcome and exhausting to the person it happens to. I do not suppose all low Command people have that problem.

What are signs of low intelligence?

The signs I will be listing out are to an extent — relatively circumstancial( with exceptions taking place situationally) nor are these characteristics absolute of low intelligence. This list is alsonon-exhaustive. That being said, these are some common characteristics people of low intelligence exhibition;

  • Poor emotional control; yes, IQ and EQ by description — are frequently directionally commensurable. This is because people with advanced Command and EQ all have one thing in common; exceptional neurological development. People with low Command are mentally less advanced, and are bound to lacking control in both their studies and feelings. 
  • Religion; not inescapably religion itself nor important of the beliefs it holds( there are so numerous devout Christians on Quora with exceedingly high masterships) but knowledge itself. utmost low Command people tend to nearly be Monotheists and take effects veritably literally due a lack of imagination, suspicion, open- mindedness, cognitive inflexibility, appreciation, critical thinking and are always counting on veritably direct prints because of the lacking of depth in their studies and understanding of effects. This still, caps at some point because people of an exceedingly low Command can not comprehend religion itself and are thus, not religious. Religion does not relate to a low Command, but Fundamentalism does. 
  • Substance abuse; however high Command people are also prone to this, but for entirely different reasons. Low Command people get into substance abuse not to dull and numb the senses, but because they crave for the sensational stimulation itself. They also infrequently suppose about the consequences and only see the direct pleasure they decide from their price system, because of a lack of future- order consideration and thinking capability. With poor impulse control, low Command people fluently fall into dependence . Speaking of impulse control; 
  • Low impulse control; low Command people are veritably impulsive and terribly intolerant. This, again, has to do with their price system and a lack of future- order thinking. The incapability to suppose deep and long- term is inviting which will lead to poor planning and judgments on their part. Rule of thumb; people only ever act as soon as they are done allowing about what to act on. In this case — unintelligent people noway ever suppose which means they act nearly presently upon any given situation. 
  • Poor vocabulary; low Command people are nearly always veritably uninstructed and can not indeed pretend to be an intelligent person if they wanted to. Being circumlocutory and esoteric is out of the question, because their poor internal capacity restricts their articulation in their studies restated into words. still, this is not to say that someone with poor vocabulary is always unintelligent, as their internal trouble can always be conducted away, or they could indeed know more than 5 languages which stretches them thin. 
  • Superficiality; low Command people are nearly always superficial, and are only as concerned with depth as deep as a tea- mug. Because they fail to see the depth and nuance of effects( and they can't, indeed if they try), they also tend to be nonfictional inclined. They also equate temporal and black-white thinking with intelligence — videlicet success, wealth, and fame are all associated with intelligence to them. 
  • Black-white intelligence and nonfictional thinking; being a Fundamentalist, seeing effects veritably linearly, only seeing the face of a facade, and other veritably tropical aspects of life is a true sign of low intelligence. Because they noway suppose of circumstance and situations, everything is too rule- driven and by- the- book. With a severe lack of critical thinking, nothing is ever slate, and there are always absolutes in everything rather than logic. 
  • Sum- zero thinking; low Command people nearly always see a gain and a loss far and wide, much like introductory computation, where anything and everything is always direct. They nearly always make an attempt to climb over each other, abiding by the rule of “ my gain, your loss" where there's noway an attempt for community or attempt to work cohesively to mutually benefit. Low Command people also maintain gemütlichkeit in a veritably superficial manner which frequently do not last, due to them being veritably fair- rainfall and only because its accessible. 
  • Poor moral compass poor empathy; people with a low Command are frequently either veritably immoral or amoral and again, the perpetrator is low appreciation and critical thinking capability. This is also due to the fact that people with a poor moral compass also ca n’t look outward and beyond themselves and appear other people’s studies and passions via abstraction and mindfulness. This is also why people who tend to be less intelligent also tend to have lower empathy, hence a enjoying a lower EQ and is a sum- zero thinker( see# 1 and# 8). still, you also warrant the capability to imagine and contrive other people’s requirements, If you heavily warrant imagination.

What is the lowest IQ level that a person you know has?

I've two musketeers that most probably have an Command nearly around 55 – 65 without having any opinion or inheritable anomalies. 
They look normal, meaning they've nopre-birth visible inheritable or physical mutations. 
They're relatively shallow in their thesis, but they speak of those shallow/ simple issues as if they were philosophical when they try to reflect upon issues, nearly like when a 3 time old addresses about physical pain for the veritably first time, evolving on simple compliances utmost people have indeed come to realize at the age of 4. 
They occasionally love to partake their knowledge in form of advice. ” You know, occasionally if you hurt your cutlet and bleed, just hold it up and it'll * drumroll *. stop the bleeding ”. 
They can wisecrack utmost people when they do not try to go into philosophical mode, and function typically in diurnal social tasks, but having exchanges can occasionally be hard, and occasionally it's hard to understand what they mean. 
They've a set of standard morals that serve ok by my substantiation, but if brazened with some dilemmas they snappily go into groupmode/ flock- intelligence, fluently manipulated into supporting or doing effects that might be unnaturally wrong due to a social peer- pressure to do so, I have seen that be a couple of times, and they do not feel to learn much from it in the fate, meaning they're likely to make the exact same choice again. 
Overall they're nice and friendly, and not the type of persons to start campaigning against someone or start a drama.

How low can a persons IQ be?

At a certain point, masterships come untestable because the person becomes unfit to take a traditional Command test. What that position is depends on the person — some people come untestable because of physical disabilities, others because of attention and superintendent performing problems. occasionally the tests just were n’t normed duly on the low end of the range. Generally, if it’s below about 40, anticipate an Command score to be further of a guesstimate than an factual test result. 
For those with severe to profound intellectual disability, therapists tend to do further of a functional assessment to figure out what they can and ca n’t do. Can they button a shirt? Make their bed? Communicate their solicitations? Can they write their names? Can they make a mess? That kind of thing. 
Lots of people with severe/ profound ID also have physical disabilities, so it’s frequently enough hard to tell what part of their disability comes down to not understanding commodity and what comes down to not being suitable to physically manipulate the objects involved. So indeed these behavioral compliances can be bloodied. 
occasionally they ’ll restate those assessments into a rough Command score, generally between zero and forty, but they are n’t really IQ scores. Scores that far from the mean of 100 are imagined to live extremely singular, but the zero to forty range is used anyway to rank people with serious intellectual disabilities. 
That means that these scores, which are supposed to be rare, are actually given rather commonly. However, for illustration, one of the more severe types of lissencephaly, If you have a child born with. So these veritably low figures are n’t really IQ scores; they ’re more like an extension of the IQ scale to rank people by what they can do. later each, there’s still a good deal of variation indeed in that range, from notoriety who’s suitable to dress themselves, make a sandwich, do simple work, and communicate in short rulings, to the profoundly impaired person who lives in a world substantially made of feelings and sensations and can not understand words or manipulate objects at all. 
I do n’t like the practice of assigning these veritably low Command scores to people with disabilities, especially to those with multiple disabilities that include movement, collaboration, mobility, and balance problems. Every formerly in a while, someone with severe cerebral paralysis who has been assumed to have severe intellectual disability as well, will be matched with the right communication device or system and show themselves to have much further internal capability than has been assumed. People in this situation have their capacity for learning oppressively undervalued and so aren't given openings they should be suitable to take advantage of. 
 Indeed someone without a physical disability, given a veritably low Command, may be undervalued and not allowed to develop their strengths. And those strengths frequently do live — because when people have unusual smarts, as all of these people do, they frequently have scattered skill biographies that can include bents that people do n’t anticipate them to have. 
still, I would not use masterships, If I were allowed to mandate how people with severe/ profound ID were distributed. I would use support situations. How important help does someone need? Do they bear twenty- four hour nursing carefulness? Or can they make do with a group home that has someone to do the more delicate ménage chores for them? How well can they communicate? Do they demand help with bandaging or toileting or ingesting? Support situations are so much more useful than masterships in this range, because they tell you what a person needs rather than trying to squeeze them into an IQ scale that's veritably surely not designed to describe them.
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