How To Learn Anything Faster Than You Ever Imagined

Who does not want to say, without any regrets to pass the life in peace? Many of your decisions, big and small, are working to get you where you are today. Similarly, your future depends on the decision you take today. That future can be of peace, it can be of regret. But we don't want to live with regret. So what should we do? How can we be saved from regret? I will discuss some such issues here. But before that, what we need to know is where is the regret thing?

Suppose you are going to attend your friend's wedding by tonight's train. You left home exactly one hour to the station. But you couldn't reach the station on time because of the many jams on the road. The train started leaving you behind. At that time you must think that if you had left home 30 minutes earlier, you would not have missed your friend's wedding? This feeling is called regret. Regret is the feeling when we think that our current situation could have been better if we had made a different action or decision in the past. That is, regret requires two things. One, making a wrong decision. Two, imagination.

Yes, you have to imagine to feel regret. Your mind will go back to the time you made the wrong decision and imagine making the right decision, then thinking about how that decision would have affected your current situation. And the sharper your imagination, the sharper the regret. That's why not catching a train for 2 minutes is more difficult than not catching it for 20 minutes. Because it is relatively easy to imagine these 2 minutes differently.

It is said that man's greatest fear is not death, but death with regret. Regret can gradually turn into depression. Now the question is how to stay away from this regret?

Learn to forgive yourself

We all make mistakes. But few people can forget those mistakes. Making mistakes is normal. But it is not normal for him to blame himself day after day. The more you carry your guilt, the more you will regret. So learn to forgive yourself. Take a deep breath and say to yourself, “I forgive myself for all my mistakes.
Take a moment and think. Are you the same as you were when you made the mistake? The experience of this mistake has changed you somewhat. You have realized your mistakes and only a person with experience and knowledge can catch the mistakes you have made. This realization makes you a different person to a great extent. So there is no point in hurting the changed you for what the previous person did.

Learn from mistakes

The next step in forgiving yourself is learning from your mistakes. Ask yourself what did you learn from this experience? What is this experience trying to tell you? Should you be doing more of any work? Or should any work be reduced? What if you don't make this mistake again? Life's hardest experiences always teach us something. If you can learn something from one experience and apply that learning to the next experience, that will become your reason. Only then can you live a life without regrets.

Never forget your dreams

A statistic on 100 elderly people in a hospital shows that the biggest regret of almost all of their lives is not doing something wrong, but not being able to do anything special, not trying to fulfill any dream, any desire. Life is not all about monotonous work all week, a tired Friday and waiting for that special 'someday' to fulfill your dreams. If you want to be happy you have to work for it. And that effort should start today. If you wait for the right time, the right time will never come.

An airplane loses performance very quickly while on the ground. But when the plane itself is in the sky, the chances of it being damaged are relatively low. Because the plane thing is made to fly in the sky. It is not his job to lie on the ground. Humans are the same.
Every human being has a special ability. Maybe you can draw very well. Or maybe you can sing very well. Use your special qualities and turn your expertise into your profession. It's all yours. You will also get pleasure by doing what you like, and if you work with pleasure, there is more chance of success. It is never too late to make the right decision. So follow your ideal regardless of age and choose your suitable job today. Otherwise you may have to face a lot of 'what if's' in the last days of your life.

Stop dwelling on regrets

Repeatedly forbidding you to regret does not mean that it is wrong to have regrets. Rather, it is our natural instinct to make mistakes and regret them. A special part of our brain is responsible for making us feel guilty. What we call conscience in 'non-scientific' language. And according to scientists, due to problems with the cerebral cortex, some people do not feel regret after making a hugely wrong decision. You don't have to be completely regret-free to live like a normal happy person. But you have to overcome regret and learn to live. Move on instead of letting short-term regrets turn into lifelong regrets. A new day awaits you.

Many people have their own way of keeping regrets at bay. Have you ever done anything special to get rid of your regrets? Share your experience with us through comments. Maybe your idea will work for someone else!

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