How to Optimize Your Website for SEO

 How to Optimize Blog Posts for Website Search Engine SEO


The best way to get people and search engines (which means more people) to your website is to get relevant inbound links. If you do some sneaky new trick on your website, it can be easy because everyone will link to you.

However, the process can be more difficult and slow with a basic, solid web page. How do you get people to link to you?

The best way is to empty your wallet! Ok, just kidding, but first we'll learn how easy it is.

For example there is a pay for blogging service that will cost you at least $5 per blog post (ie per link) and possibly $25 or more. Now that will eat into your budget, and fast. These paid blog links come with no guarantees. You may get a lot of visitors and you may get none at all.

Pay per click is another great option to spend all your money. This will bring you visitors for sure and you will know how much each one costs. That's it. No long-term benefits. Ads only show as long as you pay for them. When your money isn't on the table, you don't exist! 

You can buy links all over the place and again it can cost you a pretty penny, you may or may not get decent results but when you stop giving results (good or bad) it stops. You will gain nothing for the future.

Now blogs are a great way to get visitors and develop long-term returns. Blog posts stick around for a long time. The trick here is to get people to blog about your website without forking over any of your hard-earned cash.

A great idea is to become a guest blogger. Here you write blog posts for other people's blogs. Read: Your link to someone else's website is free!

This puts you in the driver's seat for a few reasons. First you have control over exactly what is said. Second, if you do a good job, you can have regular blog posts. This will build an audience on the blog for your writing and result in more and higher quality traffic for your website.

The key to being a great guest blogger is to write short (3 to 6 or paragraph) posts that are interesting, informative, humorous, and relevant to the topic of the blog (and your website). Of course they should have a link to your website. Don't over link. Don't think of it as an ad or something you cut and pasted from your website.

A few minutes to compose a few well-thought-out paragraphs can do wonders for your web traffic. Keep looking for guest blogging opportunities and don't use the same post for multiple blogs. One post can bring a lifetime of traffic.

This can be your most effective way to improve quality web traffic and increase your SEO for your website.

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