How To Get People To Like Insurance | Trigerr

How To Get People To Like Insurance

The Key to Life Changing Autosuggestion Book End Autosuggestion In life I will be the source of hope for millions of people. Even in death, they will say goodbye to me with tears in their hearts. Yet I will live on in the hearts of generations to come, a source of inspiration in their joys, pains, crises, and possibilities. Flesh and blood people cannot live forever. But it is the deeds of these men that allow them to live on in the hearts of generations.

For example, these lamps. If I turn it off, everyone will say that, turn on at least one, I can't see anything. Suppose again, the baby who cries at night, the parents try to stop his crying by lighting a lamp. Seeing the light in the dark room, the child calms down. The man who worked day and night to make it possible to see in the dark was Sir Thomas Alva Edison. He is gone, his work is benefiting us. It is through this work that he lives.

In fact, work keeps people alive even after death, and the more work you do while alive, the healthier you can be. It's not about words. Let's talk about some studies.

Northwestern University neurologist Professor Jason Ong. He led a study on people whose average age was 79 years. According to the study, published in the journal Sleep Science, those who had a busy day suffered less from insomnia and sleep-related complications.

According to a 2016 study by Oregon State University, one year of work after retirement can reduce premature mortality by up to 10 percent.

After a two-year follow-up of 1,011 Swedish citizens who retired at age 65, it was found that among those who engaged in service work at least one day a week, their risk of developing age-related dementia was almost two and a half times lower than that of others. Those who work in the insurance profession are of service

Interestingly, these benefits hold true for people of all ages. For example, if you are busy with work, I am telling you some of the benefits-

  1.  As long as work is peace.
  2.  The more he works the more he is free from despair, pain free from sorrow.
  3.  Every task brings more or less success. Success means happiness. So work also means joy.
  4.  People become realists through work. Intelligence becomes sharp. Memory is intact.
  5.  Those who have a clear to-do list in front of them can wake up early in the morning. After a busy day, they sleep well at night.
  6.  Busy people are more appreciated. Woe to the lazy. We see proof of this most in the case of our subordinates. You will see that the more skilled the employee is, the more his senior likes him. His salary and bonus are more. And the search continues on how to mine the cheaters or find better people.

Find reasons to act, not excuses not to act

Two brothers are returning to the hostel after a holiday at home. Classes start the next day. A storm started on the way. Stop has no name. They are going somehow. Elder brother said, let's go back home. Don't go in the middle of this storm today. The younger brother said, brother, think we are going home on vacation, if there was still such a storm, would we have gone back to the hostel or would we have tried our best to return home. Big brother understood, there is logic in words. When the vacation starts, there should be an urge to return home and when the vacation ends, there should be an urge to return to the hostel. The elder brother said, OK, let's go ahead.

It is not enough if you work, you have to work properly. Check if there is any mistake in the work process

A bridal party hired a large boat. They were told that they would be paid the same wages as the whole week for overnight stays. The sailors also happily agreed. After getting on the boat, the bride and groom got a chance to relax after the busy day. As the sailors were not used to sailing the boat at night, they began to stand with their eyes wide open in their sleep. When the bridegroom awoke the next day while it was still dark, they found that they were still lying there from where they had set out in the night. What's up sailors? He didn't move a single yard all night. The sailors said, we have stood all night, you do not believe? The bridegroom asked them to look around carefully. The sailors blinked and saw that the anchor had not been lifted. So the boat lay where it was. Khamokha they rowed the boat all night.

Oma saw the list of work! How much work I have done!-Not thinking, but thanking that I have been able to do so much work

In fact, there is no son or daughter at work. Suppose, we see male cleaners sweeping the house in many offices. Deleting table. So if the housekeeper never comes to that office official's house, then he should assume that his mother or if he has a wife, he or his sister or daughter has to do the work of sweeping the house. In fact, it is a sad but true fact that most of the male members of our family sit with folded arms thinking like this. Others are aware of this. Even if they can't sweep the house, they cut the vegetables or wash the dishes. We salute such fathers, such brothers, such husbands, such sons. This is the teaching of Prophet (PBUH). He ordered to be good to the family. By cooperating in this way, we can be one step ahead to be good to any family regardless of men and women.

A short story, the story is about two clans. A tribe lives on this side of the mountain. Another tribe on that bank. Once there was a dispute between them for some reason. One tribe abducted a child of another tribe. Rumor has it that they tied the child to the top of the hill. There is one on guard. He is also a bit lazy. Anytime while sitting, his eyes become drowsy. Some of the tribe where the child was kidnapped decided to go on a rescue mission. The campaign started at dawn. It is pouring rain. The mountain ground is slippery. It is a steep hill, the foot is slipping on it. They went quite far and thought not today, they will try again tomorrow. On the other hand, the guard of that child went to the canopy to escape from the rain. He was sleeping snoring in the cool air. Meanwhile, the people of this tribe did not turn around to return, but their mother was seen coming down with the child on her back. Everyone is surprised! You were behind us! How to get up before us! If you bring the child with you. The woman said, because I am the mother of this child! He is my child. If you had a child, you could have gone ahead of me and brought him.

When we can think of tasks like my child, there will be no difficulty. The tasks will not pile up, there will be no mess while working, there will be no laziness, and the fatigue will not be overcome. Rather, work will add joy to our lives. In the insurance profession also one must be loyal to the work or to the company. If you work with sincerity, love and joy, success will come.

In fact, Almighty Allah keeps people the way they want to be. If he wants comfort, he arranges a permanent bed for him. And if someone wants to work, they give him more work opportunities, give him the ability. Because, the destiny of the people is according to what they intend. He who sees the work is bored, the work leaves him. So we always want to say thank you Alhamdulillah when we get a job opportunity. Thanks to the great Rabbul Alamin. I got a chance to do something. The opportunity to add more joy to my life has increased. This joyful attitude towards work will make our work beautiful. We can be more joyful. May everyone's life be fruitful. Pray to the Most Merciful, that we may return to Him righteous, devoted and united.

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